Athletic Hall of Fame

About the Athletic Hall of Fame


韦德娱乐app下载地址学校体育名人堂是为了表彰和表彰学生运动员而建立的, exceptional teams, coaches, 以及索伯里社区的其他成员,他们对学校的体育项目做出了杰出的贡献.


  1. 被提名人必须是索伯里学院的校友. 有特殊情况的教练和其他社区成员也可以考虑.
  2. Eligibility for admission begins:
    a. 在被提名人毕业后的第五年;
    b. Reaches retirement after coaching; or
    c. 积极参加体育项目至少20年了.
  3. 选择主要基于在索伯里学校的运动成绩. 随后在体育和其他领域取得的成就也可能被考虑在内.

Nomination Process

  1. 任何下列人士均可提名:校友, family of alumni, 现任和前任教职员工, current and former trustees.
  2. An 网上提名表格可在此下载. Nominations may also be sent to Stacie Anastasio,体育主任,6832菲利普斯磨坊路,新希望,宾夕法尼亚州18938. 提交提名的截止日期是 December 15 of each school year.
  3. 遴选委员会每学年举行一次会议. 该委员会由两名或两名以上的常任成员组成,包括现任和前任田径主任以及现任进步主任, and no more than five rotating members (each serving a 3-year term) selected from among the following groups; former Heads of School, former Directors of Advancement, current and retired coaches, current and former trustees, and Hall of Fame inductees.




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